Active listening is a skill I teach my clients regularly. For non-native speakers, it is an essential skill, particularly when it comes to clarifying and verifying. Too many clients have made costly mistakes at work due to misunderstanding instructions. Sometimes this resistance to clarify and reconfirm the meaning of what has been said comes from not wanting to appear to have poor communication skills. But we all need to confirm that we have understood correctly, native and non-native speakers alike. And active listening includes many skills which help the speaker know you are listening and understanding.

The following link takes you to an on-line seminar provided via slides. The presenter, Renée Safrata, is the founder and owner of VIVO Team, a company which helps businesses build healthy and profitable teams. In this presentation, Renee discusses both active and reflective listening. It’s a great resource.

Click here to take the e-learning course.




photo credit: <a href=””>daniel duende</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>